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Military Personnel Meet My Angel Alert Band

Alfie Whitehead • Apr 26, 2024

Are You the Partner, Parent, or Adult Child of a Military Member?

As of September 2023 the US military has 2.86 million members making it the world’s third largest active military, surpassed only by that of India and China. In simple terms, this means the probability that someone you know and love is associated with the military in some way is very high. 

It is a harrowing consideration therefore that, intrinsically intertwined with the heroic nature of military service are the associated risks to life and health. Naturally, military personnel are at a far greater risk of physical injury when compared to those working a civilian job. Some of the most common injuries sustained in combat include burns (second and third degree), shrapnel wounds, nerve damage, broken bones, paralysis, loss of senses (such as hearing and sight), brain injuries and loss of limbs. 

Physical injuries make up the most obvious of harms posed to military members but certainly not the only nor the most prevalent. Historically, it is actually infectious diseases that have posed the greatest threat to the military's health. This can be attributed in part to shared living quarters and spending time overseas where certain diseases are more endemic. Governing officials in recent years have made tremendous efforts to mitigate against the threat of illness, however, the ever-evolving nature of infectious diseases has not made this an easy task. 

Furthermore, our recent development in understanding around mental health has led us to recognize that active military members are also potentially at risk of such psychological harms as PTSD. 

It is a sad reality, but a reality no less, that our brave military heroes are at risk of injury, illness and psychological harm. Therefore, if your husband, wife, significant other or someone else that you love dearly is serving, it is completely natural to feel some level of anxiety about their wellbeing. Whilst there is no perfect solution to this, My Angel Alert Band can go a long way to putting your mind at rest. When your loved one is wearing a My Angel Alert Band, you can rest assured that in the case of a medical emergency, a first responder will be provided with a comprehensive list of their medical history and needs. This means that they will be given the exact treatment they need and deserve with no unnecessary delays. My Angel Alert Band can be the angel that watches over your brave and selfless hero as they proudly serve our country.

By Alfie Whitehead 26 Apr, 2024
Collective understanding around disabilities has developed greatly in recent years. We now know that not all conditions are as visually apparent as people once believed they were. Many people suffer from ‘invisible illnesses’ which are not always obvious to the external observer. Of the 61 million Americans with physical and mental ailments, it is estimated that 10 percent are afflicted by so-called invisible illnesses. Such conditions include cognitive processing disorders, autoimmune disorders, anxiety, depression and allergies. Invisible illnesses can be of great concern to parents when they have to spend extended periods of time away from their children. While no-one wants to spend time away from their kids, it is a simple reality that they must go to school and eventually they will think it's much cooler to spend time with their friends than their parents. Two conditions which can be cause for concern, autism and allergies, will be discussed here. Autism is a broad term that refers to a spectrum of disorders caused by differences in the brain. Typically, these disorders are characterized by challenges with social skills, repetitive behaviors, speech and nonverbal communication. Estimates suggest that as many as 1 of every 36 children in the US are dealing with autism of some kind. Given that autism is characterized by difficulties with social settings and communication, it is not hard to imagine the challenges it may present in a medical emergency. My Angel Alert Band can help to mitigate these difficulties in two key ways. For one, it will immediately alert a first responder that your child has autism allowing the medical professional to adapt their behaviors and communication style accordingly. Furthermore, it will communicate your child's essential medical information when they are unable to do so themselves. This will eliminate the risk of medical mistakes such as the administration of the wrong medication leading to harmful or even fatal drug-drug interactions. Allergies are another prevalent invisible illness within the US with around 18 percent of children being afflicted. Severe allergies are extremely concerning in part because they are so easily provoked. For example, a peanut allergy can be triggered by as little as 1/44,000 of a peanut kernel. When triggered, children can enter into anaphylaxis, a severe life-threatening reaction to an allergen. Anaphylaxis must be treated immediately and appropriately or it can be fatal. This is where the revolutionary chip technology of My Angel Alert Band can be life-saving. Upon arriving, first responders will immediately be privy to your child's specific medical needs, providing them with exactly the treatment they need. My Angel Alert Band can be the angel that watches over your child when you can't be there to speak for them.
By Alfie Whitehead 26 Apr, 2024
It is no secret that the United States of America has an aging population. Indeed, the Population Bureau has projected that those ages 65 and above will comprise as much as 23 percent of the population by 2050. As it stands, the US population is older than it has ever been and this trend is only set to continue. What does this mean for you, the reader? It means that there is somebody in your life, be it a parent, a grandparent or somebody else, whom you deeply care about that is growing older. Growing older is an infamously difficult process which presents us all with a unique set of challenges that we must contend with. Physically we grow weaker in a process known as sarcopenia whereby skeletal muscle mass and strength gradually decrease over time. Sarcopenia begins around ages 30 to 40 and rapidly increases once a person reaches 70 years of age. By this time, up to 50% of someone's overall mass may already have been lost. Additionally, bones begin to lose their size and density with increasing age becoming more susceptible to fractures. Alongside numerous others, these factors make older generations vastly more susceptible to accident and injury. Not only are older people at greater risk of accidents but also the associated consequences are far more extreme. For children, falls are a part of everyday life and the learning experience. For those aged 65 and above, falls are the leading cause of death and injury within the US. This is a particularly alarming statistic when taking into consideration that a fall occurs every second of every day throughout America. Consequently, it is of paramount importance that we do everything in our power to ensure that our aging loved ones are cared for. It is our duty to do so, even when we do not have the luxury of being physically close to our parents and grandparents. This is where the revolutionary Angel Alert Band comes into play. In the case that your elderly parent or grandparent experiences a medical emergency, My Angel Alert Band’s chip technology will provide first responders immediate access to all of your loved one’s essential medical information. First responders will be made aware of their existing medical conditions such as Alzheimer's, what medications they are taking and those that they will have an adverse reaction to. This will ensure that they get the treatment that they need without wasting a single, life-saving, second.
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